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DEFINE, IDENTIFY, DESIGN, OPTIMIZE, VERIFY, MONITOR. The phases some companies use for their DFSS methodology for new product / process development.
Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation; often refers to quantitative information.
Data Collection Sheets
Data collection sheets are used in the Measure & Analyse phases of DMAIC projects. They are designed to make data collection simple, standard and consistent. Project teams should take full advantage of existing data collection sheets and data sources.
DC (Deployment Champion)
Responsible for development and implementation of 6 Sigma deployment plans, for the effectiveness and efficiency of the 6 Sigma support and communication systems, including collaboration with other departments/functions. Assists leadership with resource allocation and prioritisation of projects.
Decision Tree
A graphical representation of decision alternatives that can be used to show how decision options may vary under different sets of circumstances. It can be used for problem solving and to help people to decide on the best alternatives.
Any nonconformity or departure of a quality characteristic from its intended level or state. In most cases, it is anything that fails to meet the customer’s expectations or requirements.
Any item that has one or more defects that do not meet intended quality standards
Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
DPMO is used in six sigma projects to calculate the level of sigma that a process or service is achieving. Six sigma is often defined as 3.4 DPMO. DPMO = (Defects/number of opportunities) x 1,000,000.
Defects per Opportunity (DPO)
DPO is the number of defects divided by the number of opportunities. DPO = defects/ number of opportunities
Density Function
The function which yields the probability that a particular random variable takes on any one of its possible values.
Dependent Variable
A Response Variable; e.g. Y is the dependent or "Response" variable where Y=f (X1, X2, . . XN) variable.
Deployment Champion
Responsible for development and implementation of 6 Sigma deployment plans, for the effectiveness and efficiency of the 6 Sigma support and communication systems, including collaboration with other departments/functions. Assists leadership with resource allocation and prioritisation of projects.
Design Dashboard
A spreadsheet that summarizes all of the CTQs for a new product or process that is under development.
Design of Experiments (DOE)
A experimental method to effectively and efficiently explore the cause and effect relationships between numerous process variables (Xs) and output measures or CTQs (Y). DOE considers both the individual and combined or interaction effects of process variables on the response variable. More complex DOE studies include Response Surface Design (RSD) methods.
DFLSS = Design For LeanSix Sigma (Ontwerp voor Six Sigma). DFLSS wordt gebruikt als helemaal vanuit niets een proces of product op gebouwd wordt. DFLSS is niet zo gestructureerd als DMAIC en de meeste Six Sigma leveranciers passen hun eigen methodiek toe. De aanpak wordt vaak op de organisatie aangepast. Er wordt gesteld dat als men van Sigma 5 naar Sigma 6 wil gaan dat men dan DFLSS moet gebruiken, iets helemaal van niets opbouwen met de Six Sigma methodiek.
Design for (Lean) Six Sigma. The methodology for developing new product and process that deliver a Lean Six Sigma performance on roll-out. DFSS and methodologies like IDOV, DMEDI or DMADV are used interchangeably.
Discounted Cash Flow
An approach that discounts the value of future cash flows to take account of the time value of money. On the basis that € 1 today would be worth € 1.05 dollars in one year (given an interest rate of 5%). DCF discounts future cash flows to reflect their current worth (e.g. € 1 dollar in one year is worth 95 cents right now (e.g. 1/1.05 = 0.95). In DCF it is important to focus on the timing of actual cash flows and to agree a discount factor.
Discrete data
Discrete data is measured on a scale that is not infinitely divisible. It can only be divided into discrete elements (e.g. Yes or No or Opel, BMW or Pontiac). It is contrasted to Continuous data which is measured on a scale or continuum and is capable of being infinitely subdivided (e.g. 1 liter, 10 deciliter and 100 centiliter). It is important to recognize the difference between continuous and discrete data when conducting statistical analysis
Discrete Variable
A random variable that can only result in two possible outcomes. i.e.: Pass / fail
The ability of the measurement system to differentiate between values of a measured parameter. A measurement instrument should discriminate to less than 10% of the part tolerance.
A pattern that randomly collected numbers follow. There are many different types of distributions: Normal (Bell Shaped), bimodal, skewed, log-normal, Weibull, etc.
DEFINE, MEASURE, ANALYZE, DESIGN, VERIFY. The phases that some companies use for their DFSS methodology for new product / process development.
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve en Control)is het Six Sigma proces voor continue verbetering. Het is een systematische, gestructureerde en op feiten gebaseerde methodiek. Door middel van o.a. statistiek worden beslissingen op basis van feiten genomen i.p.v. op gevoel. De vijf stappen staan voor: Define: Definieer problemen in processen Measure: Meet de performance Analyze: Analyseer oorzaken van de problemen. Improve: Verbeter processen door variaties en activiteiten die geen waarde toevoegen te verwijderen. Control: Beheers processen, zodat problemen niet meer voorkomen
An approach to Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). DMEDI stands for Define, Measure ,Explore, Develop, Implement
DoE = Design of Experiments (Ontwerp op basis van Experimentenen). DoE is een Six Sigma methode voor het sequentieel doen van meerdere experimenten met elk een kleine variatie om er achter te komen wat de oorzaak van een probleem is en welke combinatie van factoren tot de beste oplossing komt. Om tot goede resultaten te komen is een gestructureerde opzet van de experimenten noodzakelijk. Vroeger was hier nog veel statistische kennis voor nodig; tegenwoordig zijn er een flink aantal softwarepaketten die dit helpen oplossen.
Downstream process
A process that is after the process being analyzed (e.g. customer processes are often downstream from a company's processes). Opposite is upstream.
Defects per Million Opportunities. A probability of defect measurement that indicates the number of depicts you would expect in a million opportunities. 6 Sigma equals 3.4 Defects per million opportunities. Many companies use PPM or Parts per Million.