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Value added activities
These can be defined as activities that create value for both the company and its customers. They can be contrasted with non-value added activities that do not create such value. The "value added" test can be stated simply at four levels:- 1. Do customers value this process/activity? 2. Are they willing to pay to do this? 3. Can we do this process right, first time? 4. Does the process cause a meaningful change in the customer experience ?
A measure of dispersion for a population, based on the squared deviations of the observed values about the population mean. The variance of a population is denoted by s2. The variance of a population is the average squared deviation between the measured characteristic of an individual item in the population and the mean of that characteristic in the population. It is used to calculate the standard deviation.
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
The VIF tests the relationship among the Xs in multiple regression. The VIF will be “1” if the X is not correlated with other Xs. If the VIF is greater than “10” then the X is too highly correlated with another X and the coefficient and sign may be misleading; in this case one of the Xs should be removed from the equation.
De variantie is een statistische maat voor de spreiding c.q. variatie. In formulevorm is de geschatte variatie: Variantie= som(Ogem - O)^2 / N-1 waarbij O staat voor output van een variabele, Ogem voor het gemiddelde van O staat, en N voor het totaal aantal metingen die gebruikt worden in de calculatie.
Binnen Six Sigma is "variatie" de vijand. De variatie ofwel spreiding ofwel fluctuatie van een proces kan worden uitgedrukt in de statistische maten range, variantie en de wortel ervan (de standaardafwijking). Het allereerst begrijpen en vervolgens reduceren van variatie is een wezenlijk onderdeel van Six Sigma verbeterprojecten. Zoals Deming ooit zei:"I had to reduce my message for management to just a few words, I'd say it all had to do with reducing variation."
Any quantifiable difference between individual measurements; such differences can be classified as being due to common causes (random) or special causes (assignable).
Vital few
The key deliverable of the Analyze phase in DMAIC is ideally an overview of validated root causes the so-called vital few.
VOB - Voice of the Business
VOB is a qualitative method that is used to translate what Business Stakeholders say into clear requirements and measurement mechanisms. The method recognizes that comments may often not be a good reflection of what they actually need. It helps work out needs and to agree requirements and measures. Voice of the Business data can be obtained from interviews and focus groups.
VOC - Voice of the Customer
VOC is a qualitative method that is used to translate what customers say into clear customer requirements and measurement mechanisms. The method recognizes that customers comments may often not be a good reflection of what they actually need. It helps work out customer needs and to agree requirements and measures. Voice of the Customer data can be obtained from interviews, surveys, warranty claims, returns, customer service complaints, sales people and focus groups.